Developer Workstation

This guide helps you find the minimum set of bundles needed to start your Clear Linux* OS development project.

Before continuing, review the swupd guide to learn more about the swupd tool and how Clear Linux OS simplifies software versioning compared to other Linux* distributions.

Workstation Setup

After installing the minimum set of bundles required to get started, you can add more bundles relevant to your specific use case.

To run any process required for Clear Linux OS development, you can add the large bundle *os-clr-on-clr*. However, you may want to deploy a leaner OS with only bundles relevant to your project.

Use the Developer Profiles tabs to start installing suggested bundles based on your role or project. Installing any dkms bundle gives all the tools you need to start. Consider these profiles as a starting point.


Click on a bundle to learn how to install it using swupd.



Build machine learning applications with a full suite of libraries.


Build machine learning applications with PyTorch, an optimized tensor library for deep learning.


Build machine learning applications using Tensorflow, a library for numerical computation using deep neural networks.


Web-based, interactive tools for machine learning.


Machine learning Docker container.


Pre-built Python libraries for Data Science.


API helper for cloud access.


Core Concepts

We recommend that you understand these core concepts in Clear Linux OS before developing your project.