
Perform various configuration actions on bundles


(C) 2018 Intel Corporation, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Manual section



mixer bundle [command] [flags]


Performs various configuration actions on upstream and local bundle definition files. List and validate mix bundles. Validate local bundle definition files.


add {bundle} [{bundle}...] [flags]

Add local or upstream bundles to your mix by modifying the mix bundles list at <mixer/workspace>/mixbundles. In addition to the global options mixer bundle add takes the following options.

  • --all-local

    Add all local bundles defined in <mixer/workspace>/local-bundles to the mix. This command takes precedence over bundle list.

  • --all-upstream

    Add all upstream bundles (cached in <mixer/workspace>/upstream-bundles to the mix. This command takes precedence over bundle list.

  • -c, --config {path}

    Optionally tell mixer to use the configuration file at path. Uses the default builder.conf in the mixer workspace if this option is not provided.

  • --git

    Automatically apply a new git commit after modifying the mix bundles list or bundle definitions. This is useful if your local bundles are kept under version control.

  • -h, --help

    Display bundle add help information and exit.


Create new bundles or copy existing bundles. This command will locate the bundle by first looking in local-bundles, and then in upstream-bundles. If the bundle is only found upstream, the bundle file will be copied to your local-bundles directory. If the bundle is not found anywhere, a blank template will be created with the correct name.

Passing ‘–add’ will also add the bundle(s) to your mix. Please note that bundles are added after all bundles are created, and thus will not be added if any errors are encountered earlier on.

In addition to the global options mixer bundle create takes the following options.

  • --add

    Add the bundle(s) to your mix after editing.

  • --local

    Skip upstream check and create empty local bundle(s).

  • -c, --config {path}

    Optionally tell mixer to use the configuration file at path. Uses the default builder.conf in the mixer workspace if this option is not provided.

  • --git

    Automatically apply a new git commit after modifying the mix bundles list or bundle definitions. This is useful if your local bundles are kept under version control.

  • -h, --help

    Display bundle create help information and exit.

list [mix|local|upstream] [flags]

List the bundles in the mix, the available local bundles, or the available upstream bundles. In addition to the global options mixer bundle list takes the following options.

  • mix

    List the bundles in the mix.

  • local

    List available locally-defined bundles.

  • upstream

    List available upstream bundles.

  • -c, --config {path}

    Optionally tell mixer to use the configuration file at path. Uses the default builder.conf in the mixer workspace if this option is not provided.

  • -h, --help

    Display bundle list help information and exit.

  • --tree

    Pretty-print the bundle list as a tree showing include information.


Removes bundles from your mix by modifying the mix bundle list (stored in the <mixer/workspace>/mixbundles file). The mix bundle list is parsed, the bundles are removed, and the resultant list is written back out in sorted order. If bundles do not exist in the mix, they are skipped. In addition to the global options mixer bundle remove takes the following options.

  • -c, --config {path}

    Optionally tell mixer to use the configuration file at path. Uses the default builder.conf in the mixer workspace if this option is not provided.

  • --git

    Automatically apply a new git commit after modifying the mix bundles list or bundle definitions. This is useful if your local bundles are kept under version control.

  • -h, --help

    Display bundle remove help information and exit.

  • --local

    Also remove the bundle file from local-bundles. This action is irrevocable.

  • --mix={bool}

    Remove bundle from the mix bundle list. This defaults to true.


Checks bundle definition files for validity. Only local bundle files are checked; upstream bundles are trusted as valid. Valid bundles yield no output. Any invalid bundles will yield a non-zero return code.

Basic validation includes checking syntax and structure, and that the bundle has a valid name. Commands like mixer bundle add run basic validation automatically.

In addition to the global options mixer bundle remove takes the following options.

  • --all-local

    Run validation against all local bundles.

  • -c, --config {path}

    Optionally tell mixer to use the configuration file at path. Uses the default builder.conf in the mixer workspace if this option is not provided.

  • -h, --help

    Display bundle validate help information and exit.

  • --strict

    Perform strict validation to additionally check that the bundle header fields are parse-able and non-empty, and that the header ‘Title’ is itself valid and matches the bundle filename.


On success, 0 is returned. A non-zero return code indicates a failure.