
C programming interface for telemetrics-client


(C) 2017 Intel Corporation, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Manual section



#include "telemetry.h"

struct telem_ref { struct telem_record *record; };

int tm_create_record(struct telem_ref **t_ref, uint32_t severity, char *classification, uint32_t payload_version)

int tm_set_payload(struct telem_ref *t_ref, char *payload)

int tm_send_record(struct telem_ref *t_ref)

void tm_free_record(struct telem_ref *t_ref)

int tm_set_config_file(const char *c_file)

int tm_is_opted_in(void)


The functions in the telemetry library facilitate the delivery of telemetry data to the telemprobd(1) service.

The function tm_create_record() initializes a telemetry record and sets the severity and classification of that record, as well as the payload version number. The memory needed to store the telemetry record is allocated and should be freed with tm_free_record() when no longer needed.

The function tm_set_payload() attaches the provided telemetry record data to the telemetry record. The current maximum payload size is 8192b.

The function tm_send_record() delivers the record to the local telemprobd(1) service.

The function tm_set_config_file() can be used to provide an alternate configuration path to the telemetry library.

tm_is_opted_in is a utility provided to check if the one time opt-in has been performed.


All these functions return 0 on success, or a non-zero return value if an error occurred. The function tm_free_record() does not return any value. tm_is_opted_in returns 1 when telemetry is opted-in otherwise 0.